A message from our friends at:

Here is some great news that is going to change the public’s perception of chiropractic now and in the future.
ChiroSecure and our partners have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars researching the stroke and chiropractic issue.
No other malpractice company we know of has ever made this kind of commitment to chiropractic. In fact, we even went as
far as to hire one of the top research attorneys in the country to investigate the real connection between the chiropractic
adjustment and arterial dissection and here is what he concluded:
There is no sound scientific evidence, no epidemiologic study, no biomechanical study, that proves a causative link between
chiropractic manipulative therapy and vertebral artery dissection.
This is great news for you and great news for Chiropractic.
So now the big questions.
What do we do with the news? What do you do with the news?
What should you do with the news?
For ChiroSecure, what we are doing is dedicating ourselves to making sure that if a patient alleges that a chiropractic adjustment has caused an arterial dissection, the most aggressive defense
available based on research will be asserted.
That is what you want and expect from your malpractice carrier, right?
However, all of us need to play a role in this movement to change the public’s perception of chiropractic and what you do.
Here’s the challenge.
What do you do now that the proof exists that the chiropractic adjustment does not cause arterial dissection?
In order to make that very clear, in order to make sure we are all on the same page, we have brought together Dr. Gerry Clum, Dr. Ken Murkowski, Bill Esteb and the attorney who did the research, John
Salvucci to discuss exactly where we go from here.
Join us Tuesday, May 24th, 2:00 PM EST for Changing the Public’s Perception of Chiropractic-What Should You Be Doing?
Are you ready to join the movement? You have no choice. We want chiropractic and you to get the respect you deserve and on this ChiroSecure Live Event we will help you get there.
So mark your calendars for the following:
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: All chiropractors, associates and staff
WHEN: Tuesday, May 24th, 2016, 2:00 PM EST
WHERE: http://www.chirosecure.com/live/
LENGTH: 30 minutes
REPLAY: For ChiroSecure Concierge Members
PLEASE NOTE: We will be providing valuable notes to every attendee of the Live Event.
CHIROSECURE CONCIERGE SERVICE: Sign up for our Concierge Service and we will automatically send you the video replay, the notes and the transcripts for all our Live Events without ever having to show up again.
*Supporting the Chiropractic community for over 24 years, ChiroSecure’s Live Events educate and support you, the practitioner, by making sure you have the information you need to protect you, your practice and your future.